How to Build a Permanent Shelter in the Woods
When you’re spending time outdoors, a permanent shelter is a must. From harsh weather conditions and extreme temperatures, having a long-term survival shelter will protect you from an assortment of problems you could face. The rule of three teaches that we can only survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and 3 hours without shelter. This is why making a shelter must be your top priority when you are outdoors, even during a planned outing.
Find the Best Spot
To start with, you will need to take some time and find the most beneficial place to build your shelter. This location ought to provide you with comfort and safety. Places near a water source, woods, and a hard, flat dry surface area would be ideal to set up your site. Being near a water source means you have access to water every day without any problems. At all costs, avoid damp, swampy areas.
You need water to be available, but not so close to pose a threat of flooding. Being near natural resources like woods, mud, and rocks will help you to have the ability to make tools and construct your shelter if need be. Also, look for higher ground that will offer you a greater vantage point to see anyone or anything approaching.
What Do You Need?
Your shelter needs to serve your needs. For example, how many people will be using the shelter? Although it doesn’t have to be very big, it ought to be big enough to accommodate everyone with you. It also should protect you from harsh weather conditions, wild animals roaming in the woods, and keep you safe from potential intruders.
Shelter Styles
Among the most crucial first steps is choosing the style of your shelter. Each construction style has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you require. A few of the most popular options are:
A-Frame Shelter
The A-Frame shelter is one of the most fundamental shelter styles that can last a very long time and is one of the easier ones to learn how to make. Besides how simple it is to build, it’s also ideal for the majority of weather conditions that you will face. The shelter is created by having a log that is longer than your body, then gathering enough wood to make a wall. To construct this kind of shelter, you need to make an A shape wall made from the wood you gathered where it crosses on top and put the bottom end of the wall in the ground. After a wall is built, then position the long log on the roof. Tie the walls and roofing together with any rope you have to make the wall strong enough to cover with branches, leaves, and moss. The best way to do this is by weaving the branches together, then using mud as chinking along with the leaves and moss. This will help to keep you warm on a cold night and will provide shade during the day.
Lean-to Shelter
The lean-to shelter is one of the most convenient shelters to construct when time is of the essence. As the name suggests, a lean-to shelter is a shelter made by leaning onto something sturdy, such as trees. The lean-to shelter is made by finding a few strong trees, preferably Y-shaped, and one long branch. This branch will serve as the roof of your shelter. Place the branch on top of both Y-shaped trees and bind it onto these two trees with some rope, twine, or vining. Then, find a few other long branches of different sizes. Put these long branches so that they lean on the roof of your shelter with the finished side sticking into the ground. Repeat this until that side of the shelter is covered. This will be the wall that helps to keep the wind and rain off of you. Just as with the A-Frame shelter, use branches, and leaves to help insulate your shelter. This shelter is best for the summertime since it only provides minimal protection from the elements, animals, and intruders.
Round Lodge/ Teepee Shelter
Another excellent choice is the round lodge or teepee shelter. This shelter can withstand heavy rain, snow, and wind. The round lodge is based upon the design of Native American teepees and it is ideal against the elements. A round lodge shelter is built by using numerous long logs of comparable length and ropes of roots and vines.
Using these, you can start assembling the wood and forming it into a cone shape with the top part of the wood crisscrossing each other making the roof, and the bottom end on the ground making the cone shape. It can then be covered with vegetation so that it is insulated and warm. Just be sure to leave some room for an entrance and to let the smoke out if you decide to build a small fire inside for heat and cooking.
What are the advantages of a long-term survival shelter?
Many of the advantages of building a shelter in the woods are pretty much the same as those we enjoy inside our family homes.
• Safety and Security: You need to be safe at the end of the day. A permanent shelter will keep you safe from wild animals, harsh weather, and possible intruders.
• Getting experience: Building your shelter will enable you to see where your weak points are in your outdoor survival plans. You can use the shelter to store your gear and hone your skills as you camp out.
• Resilience: A permanent shelter is more durable compared to tents or a temporary shelter, which will break down over time. A strong, sturdy shelter can serve you for several years to come.
What materials do you need for your permanent shelter?
There are lots of factors that go into creating your supply list. How many people will be counting on this shelter and what are their needs? Which of your supplies do you feel comfortable leaving at your shelter? How much weight do you feel confident carrying when it’s time to get to your permanent shelter? These are just a few of the questions that you need to answer concerning your shelter. Your questions will differ from someone else with different circumstances. Take the time while you have it to practice your skills and discuss your needs with your family.